
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Luiz Henrique Victor;Mello” ,找到相关结果约43169条。
Desempenho da estratifica??o em um fragmento de cerrado stricto sensu utilizando interpolador geoestatístico
Alvarenga, Luiz Henrique Victor;Mello, José Márcio de;Guedes, Isabel Carolina de Lima;Scolforo, José Roberto Soares;
CERNE , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-77602012000400018
Abstract: this study verified the existence ofspatial dependence in a brazilian savanna fragment and incorporated it to the forest inventory by stratifying, compared the accuracy of systematic sampling (ss) with stratified random sampling (srs) and verified the accuracy of srs with reduced sampling intensity. a total of 157 sample plots (area of 1000 m2) were allocated and distributed systematically in the area. the circumference at 1.3m from the soil and the total height of all trees were measured in the plots. the volume ofeach plot was obtained by volume equations generatedfor the physiognomy. it wasfound that the dendrometric characteristic of volume is spatially structured. the inventory error obtainedfor the ss was 11.38% and 6,4 7% for srs. with the sampling intensity decreased by 60%, the error for srs was 9.93%. these results showed that even with a marked reduction in the sampling intensity, the estimates by stratified random sampling (srs) is more accurate than the estimates of systematic sampling (ss). therefore, the stratification based on the spatial dependence in the characteristic of interest is a very useful tool in improving the quality of forest inventory estimators even with a reduction in sampling intensity.
Performance of stratification in a brazilian savanna fragment by using geoestatistical interpolator
Luiz Henrique Victor Alvarenga,José Márcio de Mello,Isabel Carolina de Lima Guedes,José Roberto Soares Scolforo
CERNE , 2012,
Abstract: This study verified the existence of spatial dependence in a Brazilian savanna fragment and incorporated it to the forest inventory by stratifying, compared the accuracy of systematic sampling (SS) with stratified random sampling (SRS) and verified the accuracy of SRS with reduced sampling intensity. A total of 157 sample plots (area of 1000 m2) were allocated and distributed systematically in the area. The circumference at 1.3m from the soil and the total height of all trees were measured in the plots. The volume of each plot was obtained by volume equations generated for the physiognomy. It was found that the dendrometric characteristic of volume is spatially structured. The inventory error obtained for the SS was 11.38% and 6,47% for SRS. With the sampling intensity decreased by 60%, the error for SRS was 9.93%. These results showed that even with a marked reduction in the sampling intensity, the estimates by stratified random sampling (SRS) is more accurate than the estimates of systematic sampling (SS). Therefore, the stratification based on the spatial dependence in the characteristic of interest is a very useful tool in improving the quality of forest inventory estimators even with a reduction in sampling intensity.
A paleontologia na educa??o infantil: alfabetizando e construindo o conhecimento
Mello, Fernanda Torello de;Mello, Luiz Henrique Cruz de;Torello, Maria Beatriz de Freitas;
Ciência & Educa??o (Bauru) , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-73132005000300005
Abstract: paleontology is recommended by pcn's (brazilian curricular parameters) as a subject to be developed in basic education. such theme frequently figures in many text-books all over the country. however, more complete approaches are rarely incorporated into daily teaching practices. such absence seems to be more related to teachers' personal deficiencies (during their training) than to students' limitations (lack of interest or difficulties in learning process). here we describe some actions related to kindergarten education working with the school (building), teachers, and children. the main proposal is to use paleontology in the initial "read and write process", presenting this theme from the very beginning kindergarten activities. final goals are related to paleontological knowledge becoming more popular in brazilian basic education, to bring together university and school, to encourage with up to date of teachers' knowledge, and to help educators in setting up and executing activities on paleontology. the actions mentioned here, more than ideas to be imitated, must work as feedback to generate new ideas, adjustable to particular conditions.
A comunica??o interna como um instrumento de promo??o da qualidade: estudo de caso em uma empresa global de comunica??o
Almeida, Lilian Maria de Souza;Souza, Luiz Gonzaga Mariano de;Mello, Carlos Henrique Pereira;
Gest?o & Produ??o , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-530X2010000100003
Abstract: despite the wide adoption of quality management systems and standards recognized all over the world by organizations, little attention has been given to internal communication practices which may contribute to an organization-s quality promotion. if an organization wants its members to commit to the delivery of good quality products and services, the individuals must receive information that enables them to understand and accept their individual and collective roles in this process. this research seeks to understand how internal communication can be utilized as a quality promotion instrument. the investigation was conducted through the case study method with the contribution of a global communication company. the results obtained enabled the identification of the combined determinant factors to be considered in the use of internal communication as a quality promotion instrument, with proposals focused on: segmentation of internal public; language coherence; strategic use of visual resources; results communication; development of a quality culture, and the understanding of internal communication as a process.
Análise exploratória da utiliza??o do programa de qualidade GESPúBLICA nas institui??es federais de ensino superior
Fowler, Eliane D'Martin;Mello, Carlos Henrique Pereira;Costa Neto, Pedro Luiz de Oliveira;
Gest?o & Produ??o , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-530X2011000400011
Abstract: currently, great importance has been given to the quality of the public services offered to citizens. proposals of management have emerged in private and public organizations, including educational institutions, as a differential for the improvement of services offered. quality programs such as gespública have become an option for institutions interested in improving quality. the aim of this study is to determine which public institutions of higher education have a quality program such as gespública implemented. the motivations and constraints (inhibitors) to join the program were also investigated. the motivational factors for found for adhesion to the programs are: improvement in the attendance; providing satisfaction; continuous improvement in the institutional management processes; bureaucratic culture reduction; management based on processes and information (facts) and better valuation, qualification of the servers; and efficient information management.. the inhibitor factors found are insufficient structure/resources for the program implementation; program's cost;, low qualification and advanced age of the servers; institutional inexperience with quality programs; excessive bureaucracy; lack of consolidated examples of the program implementation in educational institutions.
Organiza??es no espa?o cibernético: estudo comparativo Altavista e Amazon Books
Cano, Carlos Baldessarini;Becker, Jo?o Luiz;Freitas, Henrique Mello Rodrigues de;
RAE eletr?nica , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S1676-56482002000200007
Abstract: organizations are currently facing revolutionary changes as they incorporate new communication and information technology as well as virtual reality. the so called virtual organization (vo) has explored these new potentialities to the maximum extent, basing its structure and operation on technological innovations that gives rise to truly sui generis characteristics. in this paper we seek to highlight these distinct characteristics studying two cases (altavista and amazon books). we follow a specific analysis protocol with six analytical categories: virtual processes, physical installations, client services, fractality, trust and organizational learning. data were gathered by direct observation on the corporations web sites, direct correspondence by mail and e-mail, data files, as well as technical literature and other media in general. results clearly indicate the presence of the investigated characteristics, forming the operational base of the corporations analyzed. the protocol used in the study has proved its value to analyze this kind of organizations.
Avalia??o nutricional do gr?o de ervilha forrageira (Pisum sativum) em dietas para suínos em crescimento
Vieira, Sérgio Luiz;Metz, Magda;Bartels, Henrique Augusto dos Santos;Kessler, Alexandre de Mello;
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2003, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-35982003000700021
Abstract: corn and soybean meal based diets with increasing levels of ground peas, sub-species hortense cultivar alfetta (0, 20 and 40%), were formulated to evaluate the nutritional value of this ingredient with 18 castrated male pigs of commercial hybrids averaging 40 kg. the study also aimed to determine the apparent digestible and metabolizable energy and nitrogen retentions of peas. a total period of four weeks was used in which body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and amount of feces and urine were evaluated. the results demonstrated an overall performance of animals fed diets with increasing levels of green peas similar to those fed the control diet without peas. these results were consistent with the outcome from the metabolism assay, which demonstrated digestibility and nitrogen retention similar to the control diet. digestible and metabolizable energy values of 3,968 and 3,723 kcal/kg were calculated. results clearly indicate the possibility of inclusion up to 40% ground peas in the growing pigs feeding, without any constraint on animal performance.
Growth curve in Mambrina goats raised in caatinga Curva de crescimento em caprinos, da ra a Mambrina, criados na caatinga
Paulo Luiz Souza Carneiro,Carlos Henrique Mendes Malhado,Paulo Roberto Antunes Mello Affonso,Derval Gomes Pereira
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produ??o Animal , 2009,
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the application of non-linear models to describe the growth of Mambrina goats. Data from 18 monthly weights of 45 animals, at 540 days of age, were used. The non-linear models tested were: Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Richards, Logistic and Gompertz. The Logistic, Bertalanffy and Gompertz models presented the best adjustment, being the Logistic slightly superior to the others. Sex did not influence the curve parameters. Mambrina goats, mainly female individuals, present low weights at maturity, indicating they are well-adapted to the adverse conditions of the region. The individuals should be slaughtered early, before reaching the age of 240 days, since their growth is very slow from this age on. The correlation estimated between the parameters A and k was moderate and negative (-0,68), indicating that the more precocious the animals, less likely they will reach high weights when adults. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, analisar modelos n o lineares para descrever o crescimento em caprinos da ra a Mambrina. Foram utilizados dados de 18 pesagens (mensais) de 45 animais do nascimento aos 540 dias de idade. Os modelos n o lineares utilizados foram: Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Richards, Logístico e Gompertz. Os modelos Logísticos Bertalanffy e Gompertz foram os que melhor se ajustaram aos dados, com pequena superioridade desse último. O sexo n o influenciou significativamente os parametros da curva. Os animais da ra a Mambrina s o de baixo peso à maturidade, principalmente as fêmeas, o que pode indicar, além do déficit nutricional, a adapta o desses animais às condi es adversas da regi o. Para as condi es especificas de cria o, devem ser abatidas, no máximo, em 240 dias, visto que, a partir dessa idade, o crescimento é muito lento. A correla o estimada entre os parametros A e k foi moderada e negativa (-0,68), indicando que os animais mais precoces possuem menores probabilidades de atingir pesos elevados à idade adulta.
Avalia o nutricional do gr o de ervilha forrageira (Pisum sativum) em dietas para suínos em crescimento
Vieira Sérgio Luiz,Metz Magda,Bartels Henrique Augusto dos Santos,Kessler Alexandre de Mello
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia , 2003,
Abstract: Dietas à base de milho e farelo de soja, contendo níveis crescentes de gr o de ervilha forrageira (0, 20 e 40%), foram formuladas com os objetivos de avaliar o valor nutricional deste gr o, sub-espécie hortense, cultivar Alfetta e de determinar os valores de energia digestível e metabolizável aparentes do mesmo. Todas dietas foram fornecidas a 18 suínos machos castrados híbridos comerciais com peso médio inicial de 40 kg. O estudo teve dura o de quatro semanas, com avalia o semanal do consumo de alimento, ganho de peso e convers o alimentar dos animais. Ao mesmo tempo, foram feitas coletas de fezes e de urina excretadas para avalia o de variáveis de metabolismo. Os animais consumindo as dietas com níveis crescentes de ervilha apresentaram ganho de peso, convers o alimentar, digestibilidade e reten o de nitrogênio similares aos da dieta testemunha sem ervilha. Os valores de energia digestível e de energia metabolizável aparentes, determinados para o gr o de ervilha, foram de 3.968 e de 3.723 kcal/kg MS, respectivamente. A avalia o das respostas deste estudo sustenta a possibilidade de inclus o do gr o de ervilha forrageira em dietas para suínos em crescimento em até 40%, sem prejuízo ao desempenho, quando comparadas com fórmulas tradicionais com milho e farelo de soja.
Carlos Henrique Pereira Mello,Luiz Gonzaga Mariano de Souza,Jo?o Batista Turrioni,Danielle Fernandes Campos
Engevista , 2012,
Abstract: This work proposes a tool, called continuous audit, whose objective is to improve the internalaudit process through the registration of the quality management system (QMS) nonconformities basedin ISO 9001 standard in real time and to increase the employees’ participation in the process of QMSevaluation. This tool was developed starting from the combination among visual management, CEDACand quality audit. This work relates, through a retrospective action-research in a thermal products company,a research made 10 years ago that results in a dissertation. The verification of its adequateness shows thata reduction of the number of nonconformities of the analyzed requirements was obtained. The researchallowed concluding that the proposal tool support a larger employees’ participation in the evaluation andimprovement of QMS and that it beholds the features of a communication instrument based on visualmanagement.

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